Xuming Ran is currently working as a research engineer at Shanghai AI Laboratory. He is also an IEEE member. His research interests include Generative model, Visual cortex computation, Memory modelling, Continual learning, AI for Science. etc. He has published research articles in ICLR, NeurIPS, IEEE Trans NNLS, Neural Networks, J Neurosci Meth, Sci China Chem, etc., with more than 220 citations on Google Scholar. Also, he has long served as a reviewer for ICML, ACM MM, MICCAI, IJCNN, IEEE WCCI, Pattern Recognition, Pattern Recognition Letters, Heliyon, etc. He was previously an undergraduate student at Chongqing Jiaotong University and won the third prize in the International Collegiate Competition on Brain-inspired Computing in 2018. Meanwhile, he participated in summer schools organized by Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory and Tsinghua Laboratory of Brain and Intelligence . He has also held research positions at Tsinghua University, Communication University of China, and Southern University of Science and Technology. Lastly, he enjoys traveling, photography, skiing, and sailing in his spare time.